Hug Rug - Charcoal - Highly Absorbent Indoor Barrier Mat - Available in 2 Sizes


Charcoal Hug Rug

Hug Rugs are beautifully made, here in the UK, using from highly absorbent cotton rich pile which will soak up 95% of all dirt and moisture from feet and paws. They can absorb 4 times their own weight in water.

These indoor rugs have a multi-grip backing, making them suitable for all floor types

This mat is available in 2 sizes: Standard mat 65x85cm and Longer Runner 65x150cm

All Hug Rugs are made from recycled and recyclable materials and are machine washable at 30°C using a small amount of colour-friendly detergent (please do not use fabric softener as this may reduce the absorbency of the Hug Rug in use)

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